Wednesday 17 September 2008

Ladies Shoes - Essentials, But At What Price?

Think about ladies shoes and you realise that you can't get much more well known than Jimmy Choo. At the end of December 2007, the company announced record sales for the year; £85.6 million, in fact.

As banks are closing and the US and UK are in hard economic times, it seems that fashion sales are the one thing not dwindling. It is funny how we, as consumers, will feel the need to cut back on our essentials, like food shopping etc, and yet we are still prepared to splurge on a pair of designer shoes. Maybe the Credit Crunch hasn't hit some of us properly? I know i would think twice about buying a pair of £200 shoes these days; even if they are Jimmy Choo.

Ladies shoes are a necessity, but what we decide to pay for them is another matter. I bought some Primark flats the other week at a cost of £8. They were pretty and i knew they wouldn't break the bank at that price. So, i get them home...could i walk in them? Think again; as a standard size 6 i was pretty surprised that these shoes were way too big on me. I even slipped down our drive in them, since the sole had no grip at all. One day of wearing and they went in the bin. I couldn't stand it any longer, i felt like i should convince myself that they were a total bargain and i should keep them, but that had the opposite effect. I thought to myself "£8; that's very little for a pair of shoes and I've got what i paid for". There was no quality in the shoes. I certainly won't buy ladies shoes from Primark again. That £8 could have gone towards a decent pair of shoes.

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